Saturday, September 04, 2004

A Tender Chastisement

A Tender Chastisement
By Lady Raevenne

I lead you to the frame fully clothed and
Attach your cuffs

I do not cover your eyes, so you may know
People are watching

I select the knife you know to
Be the sharpest

I stand behind you and start to cut
You’re very still

I see bare flesh as your
Clothes slip away

I feel my breath catch in my throat as I see
Your naked ass

I see your nipples harden to nubs as
Cool air assembles

I run my nails down your sides
Feeling you tremble

I stand close, my breath
Upon your face

I wrap my arms around your neck
Kissing you haughtily

I whisper softly in your ear
“You’ve been naughty!”

I let my hands trail down your naked flesh
And you moan

I touch your thighs gently, spreading your legs,
And you groan

I smile as you strain against your bonds
To be touched

I pinch your nipples, knowing that you love
It so much

I hear you gasp
Watching you writhe

I blow warm air your skin tingles
You barely breathe

I point my cane to various parts
Flicking them lightly

I play you like a violin
Oh so brightly

I walk up behind you and whisper
“Twenty you’ll receive!”

I know you are sorry, but too
Late to grieve

I wait between each stroke for the
“Thank you, Mistress!”

I give you twenty of my
Hardest and best

I move close behind you
Grabbing your hair

I pull your head back and kiss you
Sharing your air

I release you roughly
With mock disdain

I walk around from behind to
Face you again

I look down at your full erection
Dripping pre-cum now

I look deep into your eyes
Raising my brow

I seriously ask, “Did I give you
Permission to come?”

I see fear in your eyes before you bow
Your head low

I hear your voice whisper
“No, Mistress, no.”

I ask matter-of-factly, “You know
What this means?”

I hear your soft groan
“Please Mistress, please!”

I do not reply, but fetch the rope, tying your cock with
Excess to spare

I make you open your mouth,
Holding it there

I ignore your groan of agony
Knowing what’s coming

I simply take the crop out of the chest, giving you fifty, no
More, no less

I cleverly ignite the fire
In your soul

I know you are suffering, but that
Is my goal

I touch your cock with my boot, and
You spasm again

I look at my handiwork
Vibrant red stripes

I suddenly get an idea and
Smile with delight

I notice you look at me
So wearily so

I decide to tell you what I want
You to know

I smile and say, “It is time,
My sweet pet!”

I take your cock rope into my hand
“Holding your breath?”

I quickly pull hard and long on your rope
You scream, surprised!

I make your cock twirl like the propeller
Of a plane

I laugh right out loud as you
Hop in place

I notice that the audience
Appreciates the show

I smile wickedly, and ask you, “One more time?”
You say, “NO!”

I notice your red face
Embarrassed are you

I touch your cheek gently, saying, “So
Proud of you!”

I untie your wrist cuffs from the frame overhead
And tell you

“Come darling, it is time for our bed!”

All Material Copyright © 2000 Raevenne Black All Rights Reserved.


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