Saturday, September 11, 2004

Fulfill My Fantasy - - - Clean My House!!!

Hello! It's late Friday night, early Saturday morning...depends on how you look at it...As a so-called "night owl", it's night to me.

There were all sorts of things that I was supposed to do today...but I was online IM'ing with "potentials" and did not accomplish anything more than dishes and cleaning the toilet.

That's supposed to be my sub/slave's job - maintaining a clean house for me... Why is that not happening?

Why? Cause all the male subs/slaves I meet want to "fulfill my fantasies", they say. What if my fantasy is to have a really clean house?? Huh?? How about that fantasy? *Sigh*

I am living my fantasies out in real life!! I am having the D/s relationships that I always dreamed of. Only, they are not lasting as long and doing as well as my fantasies would have dictated. I guess you can't have everything?

I have had one loyal sub/slave for the past four years or so, but he is a Marine, and I hardly get to see him! He is always off defending his country instead here paying attention to me!! *Wicked Smile* I know, I know....and I love him for it. It's funny that even though he moved across the country to the San Diego area, he still thinks of me as his Domina. That's loyalty...and probably laziness...after all, there are Dommes in California too! *Smile* Still, it is nice to think that we will always have this connection, he and I.

Well, best get going....have to do today what I did not do yesterday...getting my hair and nails done, finding gifts and figuring out something for the "community table", as people in the scene call a buffet or potluck...after I get some sleep!

I hope you all have a great weekend...and that for at least a part of this "Delve Into Your Intense & Impatient Desire".... Have fun!!


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