Saturday, September 18, 2004

MAsT-DC_Pan Meeting Review

Hello, Everyone….

I just wanted to say that I am very glad that I made it to the MAsT-DC_Pan meeting on Thursday, September 16th. I have been trying to get to many different ones, but I have only gotten to two so far. I have brought someone new both times, which is my way of promoting the group and the lifestyle. Sometimes getting to things just does not work out, but I will continue to try, as they are worth the effort! This meeting was no exception. We had ten or so people at MasterJ’s, and there were no lulls in the conversation.

MasterJ said that there is a possibility that we will have to meet at another place when our numbers are too much for her little house to hold. She suggested the Green Lantern, in WDC, as a possible alternative.

The Topic for this meeting was “Finding the Master/slave of your dreams”. MasterJ was the facilitator, and she started out by saying something that I have heard her say in her presentations to larger groups, like Black Rose. She is a strong believer in “dressing to impress” and “dressing the part”. Meaning…coming to something like a BR meeting, or a Munch, (or any other event) clean and neat and presentable. Which should go without saying, but some people, let’s face it, are clueless. MasterJ is a strong believer in wearing the proper “Scene clothes”…something as simple as a black shirt/top and jeans/slacks, boots or closed-toe shoes, or as fetish as corsets or leather/latex (at the appropriate times). Never, ever wear shorts and a tee-shirt and sandals, MasterJ says.

Ok, people that know me, know that though I wear black, or black and red to things, I will often wear sandals…or clogs! I’m sorry, but I like comfort. Besides, someone has to tease the foot fetishists!!

Wearing a collar, gives the impression that you are submissive and are “taken” or “owned”. So do not wear one if you are Dominant or a sub/slave who is out there seeking a Master/Mistress, no matter how cool you think it makes you look!

One of the things that MasterJ suggested was making “the list”….of what you want in a Master/Mistress or slave. What do they need to look like, act like, qualities they need to possess, the things they need to be proficient at, or anything that is a MUST for you. So you know in your mind what you are looking for, and can save yourself a lot of time and effort. We all agreed and some had never thought of doing that.

I mentioned that you need to know what YOU are about too! What do YOU want to BE? What do you want to do in the scene? Do you want to remain discreet and private? Or do you have a want, need even, to play in “the Public Scene”, as some do. What kind of Master/Mistress do you intend to be? Loving/gentle? Strict/Disciplinarian? A combination? Are you going to want rituals? Service? Sex?

What sort of slave do you think you are? MasterJ asked, “What will you do for ME, the Dominant?” Will you give the dominant service? Will you scrub floors or toilets? Personal service, such as pedicures and baths? Do you have the skill to give a really good massage? (If so, please do email me. *Grin*) So many submissives will say, “I will make your fantasies come true!” Really? What if my fantasy is having a clean house? (Sex, I can get anywhere! *Wicked Smile*) You need to know what you will/will not do as a sub/slave!

And let me add here….it gets really old to have a so-called “service oriented submissive” tell you that he (so far all have been male) will come to clean your house, or “do anything you want him to do”, only to have him not show up, or back out at the last minute. I really hope these guys are getting their jollies doing this to FemDoms. They should be aware of the fact that we do talk to one another, will relate such stories, and sooner, rather than later, those guys will be on every FemDom’s “shitlist” in the local Scene. They are like those subs that never seem to be able to meet you for the first time (male and female, I’m sure)….they are wannabes, or the only submission they will ever practice is the kind they do in their minds, while their hands/vibes are busy elsewhere.

Know yourself, or at least have an idea of what you think you want and might be and will do. Remember that people change, from experience and the longer they are in the Scene. What you think is a “hard limit” now, might be the thing you love doing the most later on! *Wicked Smile* And I do speak from personal experience!

It was nice to see people that I know well, attending the meeting, and to meet a few people for the first time, who I hope will become friends too.

Thank you to MasterJ for opening her beautiful home to us for this session of MAsT-DC_Pan.

aka LadyRaevenne


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